OURS Symposium

A virtual symposium for ASU Online student research. 

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in partnership with EdPlus is proud to host the Online Undergraduate Research Scholars (OURS) Poster Symposium.

Online undergraduates students conducting research are invited to attend and present their work through this event, which will be held online via Gathertown. Students, faculty, friends and families are encouraged to register to attend. 

Registration is closed for the 2024 symposium. We'll see you next year!


2024 event details


Whom it includes and how they succeed: Reimagining research experiences for online students

Faculty panelists will discuss Arizona State University’s mission for educational access and how The College supports online degree programs.

Watch the recording.

Susan Holecheck.
Susan Holechek

Teaching Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences

Director, School of Life Sciences Undergraduate Research (SOLUR) program

Gilberto Lopez.
Gilberto Lopez

Charter Professor, School of Transborder Studies

Susan Holecheck.
Kristin Elwood

Director of Digital Initiatives and Instructional Design and Clinical Assistant Professor, School of International Letters and Cultures

Student poster projects

Presenter: Andrew Wooldridge

Many environmental impacts are known to cause disturbances in the foraging phenomenon of honeybees known as waggle dancing. These include factors such as changes in food source, reorientation of the dance floor, and more (I'Anson Price et al, 2015). It’s also understood that when confronted with non-nestmate bees, defensive behavior is often displayed by the defender bees (Grume et al, 2021). While defender bees are distinct from foragers, the honeybee hive is exemplary of a superorganism and it’s unclear whether the activity of one affects the other. To study this, it’s necessary to set up an observational hive with cameras to record the bees’ activity. This study seeks to do just that by documenting and analyzing the data from the mornings of the first and third days of a 3-day experiment. The first day, a block was set up at the opening of the hive for 5 minutes beginning at 9am and then removed for 10 minutes. This process was then repeated twice more. On the third day, the process was repeated with a researcher facilitating the addition of 3 non-nestmate bees into the hive during the blocks. After counting the number of waggle dances which occurred throughout the manipulations on both days, it was discovered that much less waggle dancing occurred during the introduction of non-nestmates. While there were many limitations, the results of this study suggest a need for a more robust investigation to better understand the innerworkings of this dynamic system. The insights gained could substantially increase understanding of superorganisms.

Presenters: Matthew Marx, Amy Loeschner, Shreya Satheesh and Olateju Ojekunle

On land, elephants represent the most extreme example of Peto’s paradox; an unexpectedly absent correlation between body mass and cancer prevalence. The etiology of cancer ultimately occurs at a cellular level; damage to genetic material results in uncontrollable cell division. Only three species of Elephantidae have escaped extinction: Loxodonta africana (African bush elephant), Loxodonta cyclotis (African forest elephant), and Elephas maximus (Asian elephant). Comparative analysis of ~900 necropsy records of individuals in Elephantidae, with phylogenetic neighbors such as Procavia capensis (rock hyrax), could elucidate the answer to Peto’s Paradox and beget novel subjects of research in comparative oncology. Recently, the TP53 retrogene has been heralded for eliciting increased efficacy as a tumor suppressor gene in Elephantidae. Loxodonta and Elephas have been typically reported as having between 15 and 20 ‘redundant’ copies of TP53 which may lend credence to its proposed function as an evolutionary defense against cancer. Utilizing genomic data from the Ensembl and NCBI databases, comparative analysis of TP53 and other genes of interest (LIF6, telomerase controllers) in Elephantidae with evolutionary neighbors will be used in a bioinformatic approach. Together, with phylogenetic analysis using the R programming language, a clearer understanding of the exact mechanisms of purported neoplasia and malignancy resilience in Elephantidae will be illuminated.

Presenters: Geordana-Victoria Lallemand and Dona Ananickal

The increasing availability of cannabis, both through legalization and illicit means, has raised public health concerns about mental health and problematic cannabis use, particularly among Hispanic youth. Studies indicate a higher prevalence of use within this demographic, with males exhibiting a greater tendency towards frequent and problematic cannabis use. Studies have reported mixed results of negative outcomes associated with cannabis use between genders. Given the unique cultural context and changing cannabis laws, understanding the implications of cannabis use on mental health, this study investigates the relationship between cannabis use and mental health outcomes among young adult Latinos in Arizona, with a focus on symptoms of anxiety and depression as measured by the PHQ-4.

Presenter: Federica Sarselli

Zoonotic diseases, responsible for 75% of new infectious diseases, often stem from anthropogenic factors, particularly the $7-23 billion wildlife trade—an illegal activity ranking fourth globally. The 2003 monkeypox outbreak in the United States, linked to this trade, and the recent 2022 global outbreak, resulting in 112 deaths across 110 countries, underscore the urgent need for investigation.
This study critically examines wildlife trafficking's role in monkeypox's cross-species transmission dynamics. It aims to identify transmission modes and potential reservoir hosts within these networks, paving the way for targeted monitoring and control strategies. By unraveling the complexities of this disease system, we aim to inform interventions that effectively curb virus spread at the human-animal interface.

Acknowledging the varying mortality rates of monkeypox—ranging from 1/10 to 1/100 depending on the clade—our focus extends to understanding and addressing this critical public health challenge. We recognize the essential influence of social, political, and economic factors in central and western African countries, integral to comprehending and combating the disease's spread.

This research aims to develop nuanced strategies that tackle the disease while considering the broader socio-economic landscape. By bridging scientific inquiry with actionable insights, our findings hold promise in safeguarding public health and biodiversity. This comprehensive approach not only addresses the immediate threat of monkeypox but also lays the groundwork for mitigating future zoonotic disease outbreaks effectively.

Presenters: Tyson Jones, Tasha Do and Juniper Phillips

The brainstem locus coeruleus (LC) plays a pivotal role in regulating attention and arousal, acting as a central hub for processing salient stimuli. Studying the LC directly is challenging due to its small size and deep location within the brain. However, recent research suggests that measurements of prestimulus pupil diameter and stimulus-evoked pupil responses (SEPRs) may serve as indirect indices of LC activity, reflecting fluctuations in attention and arousal state. Specifically, prestimulus pupil size is proposed to indicate baseline LC activity, influencing the detection and processing of salient events. Similarly, SEPRs are thought to mirror the LC's response to stimuli, with stronger responses associated with enhanced stimulus processing. The P300 event-related potential has also been implicated in LC network activity, particularly in stimulus detection and categorization processes.

Murphy et al. (2011) investigated the relationship between these indices hypothesizing that intermediate prestimulus pupil size would correspond to larger SEPRs and P300 amplitudes, indicative of optimal arousal and attention. Conversely, smaller or larger pupil sizes were expected to be associated with reduced SEPRs and P300 amplitudes, reflecting diminished task engagement. Stronger SEPRs were predicted to correlate with larger P300 amplitudes, while weaker SEPRs would be linked to smaller amplitudes. Their study confirmed significant
correlations between these measures, supporting the proposed associations.

In our study, we aimed to replicate and extend Murphy et al.'s findings, particularly examining whether pupil dynamics and P300 responses diminish over time on task, reflecting reduced LC activity and waning attention. Twenty-two ASU students completed an auditory oddball task while their brainwaves and pupil dynamics were recorded. Our results replicated Murphy et al.'s findings, showing correlations between pupil dynamics and P300 responses. Moreover, we observed time-on-task effects, with SEPRs and P300 amplitudes decreasing, consistent with the expected decline in arousal during sustained attention tasks.

These findings not only validate previous research but also provide further evidence for the role of the LC in sustaining attention and arousal levels over time.

Presenters: Bryan Yavari, Nilofar Kolbehdari, Mercedes Portillo and Alexandria Rumschlag

The language of cancer needs to be improved in cancer-related communication across the entire cancer experience, from general preventative care through treatment, and remission. Communication can be streamlined among cancer healthcare providers, support systems, and cancer patients. After COVID-19, online cancer communication is becoming especially common, with little research into the implications of this new trend. Our objective is to identify how individuals communicate with their healthcare provider, use internet sources for cancer-related actions, and interpret the online information they find regarding cancer. Three surveys were administered via Prolific. Data was collected from a nationally representative sample of 600 participants (200 per condition). This sample includes prescreened participants from the public, individuals who have had cancer in the last five years, and individuals who are in remission from cancer. The surveys recorded responses using 15 Likert scale questions and five free-response questions. Our results suggest that 70% of participants find it easy to access cancer information online. We found that 35% of people agree that the cancer-related information that is available online can be confusing and difficult to understand, underscoring the importance of clear and jargon-free communication. The results from this study have the potential to strengthen cancer communication to the public, raising awareness of potential risks and early indicators. With the expanding use of the internet for telehealth, this project seeks to bridge the gaps in the post COVID-19 world to strengthen cancer communication, therefore improving the patient experience through a better understanding of risk, terminology, and support options.

Presenters: Abigayle Cole

According to the CDC, the current prevalence of definite or probable Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) cases is 322,000 individuals in the US. Patients with SLE are known to suffer from multiple organs failing throughout the course of the disease, including the heart. C-reactive protein (CRP) is one of the main acute inflammatory biomarkers that is associated with aiding in the diagnosis of heart failure (HF). The effects of SLE on patients with HF and how it skews the number of patients with an abnormal CRP reading when comparing those with and without an SLE diagnosis is understudied in current research. We hypothesize that patients who suffer from heart failure and SLE will obtain more abnormal CRP readings compared to patients who suffer from heart failure alone. This study was focused on data found using the All of Us Research database, along with publications about the large inflammatory response caused by SLE. The data obtained demonstrates a significant discrepancy between the number of patients that have an abnormal CRP level when comparing SLE with heart failure to heart failure solely. Our preliminary results show that 47.98% (344) of the studied cohort containing patients diagnosed with SLE and heart failure obtained an abnormal CRP reading. A separate cohort was created for patients diagnosed with heart failure and we found that only 23.54% (5,013) had an abnormal CRP reading. Our research aims to set a foundation for further research to be conducted as to why these discrepancies are occurring in relation to SLE.

Presenters: Beatrice Pasqual

Bilingual language acquisition requires figuring out the meanings of words across languages. A common approach for understanding word learning involves experimental methods that train participants on the meanings of pseudowords (PWs), artificial stimuli that sound like real words but are not. However, currently, there is no established protocol for generating PWs for experimental testing of bilingual word learning. Here, we present a protocol for the creation of bilingual PWs, generating the first bilingual set of PWs in English and Spanish for use in word learning studies with child and adult participants.

Our set was composed of 16 English and 16 Spanish PWs. Some items were pulled from the English PW set compiled in the NOUN Database (Horst & Hout, 2016), and others were generated via multilingual PW generators (Keuleers & Brysbaert, 2010; New et al., 2024). The selection process prioritized variability in both onset and offsets, ensuring a broad representation of phonotactic patterns present in natural language. All words were two-syllables in length, and we avoided verb endings, focusing on noun-like structures.

The PWs were phonetically transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to calculate their phonotactic probability (PP). English PWs exhibited a median phoneme probability of 0.229 and a biphone probability of 0.0094, while Spanish PW showed medians of 0.227 and 0.013, respectively. Additionally, cross-language analysis revealed lower medians. 
To assess the perception of these PWs by listeners, we designed a questionnaire. Participants will listen to each PW and rate its perceived language-likeness on a scale ranging from "definitely English" to "definitely Spanish." Attention checks have been integrated to ensure data reliability. We anticipate that PWs with high PP in English will be rated as more English-like, and those with higher PP in Spanish will be rated as more Spanish-like.

This research offers a novel set of PWs for use in experiments exploring bilingual word learning. These PWs, validated through PP analysis and participant perception, will provide researchers with a valuable tool to deepen insights into the mechanisms of language and cognition in bilingual contexts.

Presenters: Susan Brossman

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder causing inflammation of connective tissues primarily affecting women causing disability. Recent research suggests HLA-DRB1 was positively selected for in our ancestors, however today this gene may increase ancestral risk for autoimmunity. While the exact cause of the disease is unknown, the HLA-DRB1 gene is considered the most potent disease susceptibility gene, explaining 30-50% of the genetic risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Using the All of Us Research Database, co-ed cohorts were created with 182,229 subjects having a family history of Rheumatoid Arthritis and 28,338 subjects with a sero-positive diagnosis. A positive family history was indicated by a subject selecting yes on a survey form. A positive correlation between these cohorts found the 18-44 age group to have a higher chance of having a family history of the disease versus the 65+ age group which was found to have a lower report of a positive family history suggesting ancestry to be a factor in developing autoimmune disease. In the future, the plan is to compare the ancient genomes used by researchers in a recent study in Europe to modern day genomes in the US population using the All of Us Research Database to study ancestral risk involving this gene.

Presenters: Danielle Malleo, Austin Dellimagine, Juvelyn Hart, Christopher Le, Julianna Lopez, Alexis Morlock and George Sanner

The role of water in biomolecular systems is manifold: it functions as the universal solvent, ensuring that components such as globular proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites maintain their solubility while preserving their native structures through water-mediated hydrophobic interactions. In addition, it promotes fluctuations that enable conformational changes in proteins and enzymes that are essential for their function. The driving force for protein complex formation and the associated binding affinity can be quantified by the change in free energy, i.e., the binding free energy, which is comprised of the contributions of changes in enthalpy and entropy that are often opposite in sign value. An alternative decomposition of the binding free energy can be obtained through the distinction of direct interactions between the binding partners, and indirect, water/solvent-mediated interactions. Our project uses molecular dynamics simulations to analyze water-mediated interactions in the formation of homo-dimers of the enzyme Thymidylate Synthase. Thymidylate Synthase is responsible for the biosynthesis of the nucleotide thymidine, an essential ingredient of DNA replication; this makes the enzyme a critical target in chemotherapy treatments for several types of cancer. The simulations track the movements of water molecules as they move around the complex to generate data that correspond to changes in the solvation-free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of the Thymidylate Synthase, which allows us to quantify the water-mediated interactions between the binding partners as a function of their separation distance. The simulations are performed using high-performance computing resources provided by ASU’s Research Computing Core Facility with the SOL cluster. Using the grid-based 3D-2PT method developed by the Heyden Lab at ASU, we can visualize local contributions to the solvation-free energy as three-dimensional maps to evaluate the behavior of water-mediated interactions that stabilize or destabilize the protein complex. Previous simulations from another group of online students focused on the Barnase-Barstar complex, which determined that despite its powerful interaction, the binding itself was not attributable to the presence of water but was primarily the result of the complex’s electrostatic interactions. We aim to utilize the results from the previous group to help us understand and determine the differences and/or similarities between water-mediated interactions with distinct protein complexes such as the Thymidylate Synthase and the Barnase-Barstar.

Presenters: Hynd Adi, Shashank Araokar and Alexander Pacheco

University students frequently encounter challenges in retaining the knowledge gained from prerequisite courses as they progress towards more advanced levels. This is especially true over long academic breaks. ASU’s Keep in School Shape (KiSS) program provides students with short daily activities via email or text, so that they can rehearse their previously learned skills. In this study, these activities, which consist of problems of varying levels, were used to assess metrics such as participation rates, answer choices, and the path students took through the activity. Additionally, students received optional hints, step-by-step solutions, and growth-oriented feedback. Leveraging data collected during the 2023 Winter Break for 514 students moving from Calculus 1 to Calculus 2, our group conducted thorough exploratory data analysis to glean insights into students' usage patterns, identify areas for program enhancement, and determine optimal strategies for communicating our findings to diverse audiences. We found that when students got a problem wrong, they used the optional hints and were much more likely to solve the problem successfully in the next attempt. When given a choice to attempt additional problems, a high percentage of students were very eager to attempt more problems. The results of our study suggest that the KiSS program provides a safe space for students to conveniently sharpen their skills and learn from constructive feedback. In the future, we hope to extend the versatile design of the KiSS program to other disciplines and courses.

Presenters: Maritza Ramirez, Haarika Atluri, Olivia Corrao, Bryan Llanes and Raida Shamim

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the bone marrow in which the myeloid stem cells undergo abnormal rates of proliferation and differentiation, leading to a buildup of immature white blood cells in the marrow. Among adult leukemias, AML is the most common, with around 80% of cases. Recent advances in treatment management have improved AML prognosis in younger patients, but it remains very poor in the elderly. Evolutionary parameters have been associated with the outcome of many cancers and precancers and offer an alternative to classic biomarkers of progression. In liquid cancers, including AML, evolutionary strategies can describe the correlation between cellular environments and malignant cells' mechanisms to induce further clonal proliferation. In this study, we aim to develop evolutionary biomarkers of AML progression using whole genome sequencing data from 50 diagnostic AML samples with patient outcomes. We estimate many evolutionary parameters using the MOBSTER software (e.g., clonal diversity, mutation rate, and selection strength). We hypothesize that there will be a negative correlation between estimates of clonal diversity, mutation rate, selection strength estimates, and time to clinical outcomes of AML. With this research, we aim to improve AML patient stratification and improve our understanding of AML progression.

Presenters: Shashank Araokar, Anna Plum, Dustin Hubbartt and Justin Kobrin

Observing exoplanet transits is one of the best methods we have to derive orbital parameters of these planets. However, over time, any observed ephemeris becomes stale and is necessary to update regularly to save future observation costs for advanced telescopes. In Spring 2024 as part of the Exoplanet Research Experience at ASU, we collaborated with NASA’s Exoplanet Watch, a citizen science project, to study the exoplanet Qatar-4 b. We obtained 59 nights of images for Qatar-4 b using the ground-based MicroObservatory telescope network managed by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). We used Exoplanet Watch’s EXOPlanet Transit Interpretation Code (EXOTIC) Python Library to extract 17 significant light curves from the data set. Our study reduced the propagated uncertainty of Qatar-4b’s mid-transit time significantly compared to previous studies. This effort underscores the importance of citizen science participation in exoplanet research by demonstrating that repeated observations taken by smaller, ground-based telescopes can meaningfully assist space-borne telescopes in transit-time photometry and assist in the better scheduling of future observations.

Presenter: Alaina Breakiron

Mutation of PTEN is detected in greater than 50% of endometrial cancer (EC) diagnosis effecting biological females from birth (BFFB) in the United States. EC rates are rising 1% each year among white BFFB, while African Americans and Hispanics BFFB rates are higher at 2-3% per year. PTEN, is the phosphate and TENsin homolog mutated by a deletion on chromosome ten. PTENp1, the intron free pseudogene on chromosome 9p13.3 has 98.6% homology with the PTEN gene but does not express the PTEN protein because of mutation-induced loss of the translation initiation codon. We hypothesize that PTEN and PTENp1 mutation phenotypes related to endometrial hyperplasia (EH), a precursor to EC, and EC are increasing due to female reproductive phenotypes and modern reproductive patterns. Reproduction enables allelic diversity which causes genetic mutations leading to better fitness or one of many disorders and diseases within our species. EH and EC are triggered by these harmful genetic mutations when BFFB displays certain genetic factors. Implementing an evolutionary medicine outlook to find the trigger of these mutations could lead to treatments to prevent EC and EH. Utilizing the ALL of US research databases to provide quantitative data, we will compare cohorts of BFFB based on demographics with certain epigenetic, genetic, and evolutionary factors such as long-term exposure to unopposed estrogen, low progesterone, obesity, ethnicity, age at maturity and fertility rates; so, we can establish the time frame or age at which preventative measures are most effective. Acting on the genes before methylation begins and PTEN mutates can prevent EC. Characterizing when this mutation occurs can result in preventative measures such as genetic profiling and gene therapy, being administered earlier to stop the PTEN mutation from occurring, preventing the development of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer.

Presenters: Kaleb Sutton, Aloha Das and Hynd Adi

The locus coeruleus (LC) has been proposed as a significant regulator of task engagement via its modulatory effects on attention and arousal. Recent studies have suggested that pupillometry and electroencephalography may track not only fluctuations in task engagement but may index activity of the LC and LC-mediated networks. Specifically, optimal task engagement and task performance, intermediate prestimulus pupil size, strong stimulus-evoked pupil responses (SEPRs), and larger P300 event-related potentials have been proposed as indicators of intermediate (optimal) baseline LC activity. Murphy et al (2011) investigated the relationships between these indices in an auditory oddball task–the premise being that if these different outcomes are modulated by the same system, they should follow known patterns associated with LC activity. Murphy et al. (2011) found that prestimulus pupil diameter predicted performance such that intermediate prestimulus pupil sizes were associated with better performance. The SEPR was closely related to performance, wherein larger SEPR amplitudes were associated with poor performance. P300 amplitudes were also predictive of performance such that larger P300 amplitudes predicted better performance and smaller P300 amplitudes predicted poorer performance. 

The present study sought to replicate Murphy et al (2011) with an additional interest in time-on-task effects. 22 ASU students completed an auditory oddball task, wherein their performance, brainwaves, and pupil dynamics were measured. Response time, prestimulus pupil size, SEPR, and the P300 event-related potential were extracted. We investigated the relationships between response time and pupil dynamics, response time and P300 amplitude, and the effect of time-on-task on each variable. 

We replicated the findings that intermediate prestimulus pupil size predicted better performance compared to larger or smaller prestimulus pupil size. Larger SEPR and P300 amplitudes were associated with better performance. In addition, we found that SEPR amplitude and P300 amplitude decreased across time, coinciding with performance deterioration across time. 

These patterns are consistent with predictions of LC-mediated effects on task engagement and performance, arousal, and network activity. These findings reinforce those of Murphy et al. (2011) and serve to validate evidence of cohesive relationships between theories of LC function and the various methods used to investigate it.

Presenters: Lacie Alt and Lynae Andrade Galvez

In November of 2020, the Arizona legislature legalized the consumption of recreational cannabis for people ages 21 and over. Medical marijuana cards are available to adults 18 and over and caregivers of adolescents under 18. With shifting public attitudes and recent legalization, understanding cannabis consumption behaviors among demographic groups is crucial for effective public health interventions. This project is focused specifically on Latina young adults; a demographic group that frequently is overlooked in the literature. Little research focuses on this specific group, making this study vital for shaping effective interventions.

Presenters: Safa Zaina, Juvelyn Hart, Abigail Griffith and Karrissa Cavanaugh

Studies have shown that the patch colors lizards may have on their underbellies suggest different behavioral patterns. Preferred communication methods in Sceloporus lizards may be identified by blue or white patches on the underbelly. This study investigates the differences in the nasal passage morphology between groups of Sceloporus lizards, with a specific emphasis on males to eliminate any influence of sexual dimorphism. We hypothesized that while the blue-bellied lizards generally communicate with their eyes, white-bellied lizards prefer olfactory communication. Morphological data was collected using CT scans in Alpaca in 3D Slicer, and R code was utilized to conduct two one factor t-tests and a quartile analysis to discover relationships between belly color and nasal passage size. The results show that species with blue underbelly patches had smaller nasal passages than the species with white underbelly patches. In many species of lizards, foraging ecology is influenced by the chemosensory behavior and morphology of the colored sections of their body. The difference in olfactory and visual acuity suggests that the white bellied lizards may have larger nasal passages to allow for intraspecies communication. Our research sheds light on the phylogenetic history that shapes sensory systems and signaling mechanisms. It contributes to a deeper understanding of different communication modalities in vertebrates, and ultimately paves the way for further investigations into the world of animal communication.

Presenter: Sarah Waterman

Ten million people die every year globally from cancer. It causes 1:6 deaths and is the leading cause of death worldwide. The most common treatments of cancer include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy with each of these treatments having different levels of efficacy. Surgery is only effective on solid localized tumors. Radiation and chemotherapy, which are more generalized treatments, cause severe adverse side- effects, including fatigue, hair loss, mouth ulcers, anemia, nausea and more. While chemotherapy drugs are highly effective, they cannot be controlled as to whether they target healthy or malignant tumor cells. Gold Nanoparticle (AuNP) technologies have shown efficacy as a targeted drug delivery system, aiding in tumor reduction, inducing DNA damage, increasing antioxidant enzyme levels, upregulating caspase-3, caspase- 8, and caspase-9 production, inducing cell death, and increasing drug permeability to affected cancer cells. AuNPs are valuable because they have controllable size dispersity, biostability, biocompatibility, strong absorbing capacity, and can interact with biomolecules present inside the cell. Some challenges presented in the research includes toxicity levels and build up in the liver. This isn’t entirely shocking considering the function of the liver, but further research must be conducted to determine if the build-up is harmful, lasting, or can be avoided. There are a handful of AuNP technologies in early-stage clinical trials, but a clearer understanding of the effects on the liver and cost-risk analysis to the malignant tumor is needed to facilitate these technologies making their way bedside.

Presenters: Mariana Bustamante and Malli Swamy

Differences in morphology among species arise from a combination of genetic variation and selective pressures acting within their respective environments. Microhabitats might exert selective pressures that shape the morphology of organisms to suit the unique resource availability and environmental conditions within their localized habitats. We predict that there will be a difference in the jaws of arboreal and non-arboreal Sceloporus lizards. CT scans of male Sceloporus jaws were obtained from 35 species, which were provided by the Martins lab. We used 3D Slicer 5.4.0 to establish landmarks for seven different anatomical measurements, and the landmarks were then measured and analyzed using R. For statistical analysis, a one-factor t-test was conducted for each of the seven measurements, and a quartile analysis was also performed to visualize the differences between arboreal and non-arboreal species. Our results show a difference in the jaws of these two groups. A division between the morphology of arboreal and non arboreal lizards may be traced through their phylogenetic history. Differences in jaw length and lever mechanisms may be shaped by dietary preferences, as these traits impact bite force. At the same time, average monthly precipitation within arboreal microhabitats might also play a role in shaping these distinctions. Additionally, genetic factors could contribute to variation in jaw length and width, potentially influenced by factors such as sexual maturity or foraging behavior.

Presenters: George Sanner, Daniello Malleo, Juvelyn Hart, Julianna Lopez, Christopher Le, Alexis Morlock and Austin Dellimagine

The role of water in biomolecular systems is manifold: it functions as the universal solvent, ensuring that components such as globular proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites maintain their solubility while preserving their native structures through water-mediated hydrophobic interactions. In addition, it promotes fluctuations that enable conformational changes in proteins and enzymes that are essential for their function. The driving force for protein complex formation and the associated binding affinity can be quantified by the change in free energy, i.e., the binding free energy, which is comprised of the contributions of changes in enthalpy and entropy that are often opposite in sign value. An alternative decomposition of the binding free energy can be obtained through the distinction of direct interactions between the binding partners, and indirect, water/solvent-mediated interactions. Our project uses molecular dynamics simulations to analyze water-mediated interactions in the formation of homo-dimers of the enzyme Thymidylate Synthase. Thymidylate Synthase is responsible for the biosynthesis of the nucleotide thymidine, an essential ingredient of DNA replication; this makes the enzyme a critical target in chemotherapy treatments for several types of cancer. The simulations track the movements of water molecules as they move around the complex to generate data that correspond to changes in the solvation-free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of the Thymidylate Synthase, which allows us to quantify the water-mediated interactions between the binding partners as a function of their separation distance. The simulations are performed using high-performance computing resources provided by ASU’s Research Computing Core Facility with the SOL cluster. Using the grid-based 3D-2PT method developed by the Heyden Lab at ASU, we can visualize local contributions to the solvation-free energy as three-dimensional maps to evaluate the behavior of water-mediated interactions that stabilize or destabilize the protein complex. Previous simulations from another group of online students focused on the Barnase- Barstar complex, which determined that despite its powerful interaction, the binding itself was not attributable to the presence of water but was primarily the result of the complex’s electrostatic interactions. We aim to utilize the results from the previous group to help us understand and determine the differences and/or similarities between water-mediated interactions with distinct protein complexes such as the Thymidylate Synthase and the Barnase-Barstar.

Presenters: Camilo Riveros Alvarado, Sarah Lovorn and Dona Ananickal

After Arizona legalized recreational marijuana in 2020 (Adult use marijuana, n.d.), there was a notable increase in reported recreational use. Understanding public perception of risks and benefits of cannabis use is of importance for public health (Mariani et al., 2021), especially with emerging evidence that long-term cannabis use is correlated with negative health outcomes (Aldington et al., 2008). In Arizona, with a large (34%) and growing Latino population, it is especially important that we understand how Latino/a young adults perceive the benefits and harms of cannabis compared to other legal substances.

Presenters: Naomi Brown, Ariana Jording and Jason Torres

The decision to include gender as a relevant predictor of attention is often based on whether researchers have specific questions about gender. Examining the impact of gender on metrics of attention, such as task performance, pupil, and brain dynamics may provide a better understanding of individual differences in attention capabilities. However, prior research has produced mixed findings–some studies suggest notable gender-based differences in cognitive abilities, while others note negligible differences at best. 

Mean response time (RT) has been identified as an indicator of intensity of attention, and tends to slow with time on task, indicating a waning of attention. Similarly, prestimulus pupil diameter and the stimulus-evoked pupil response (SEPR) have been used to index intensity of attention and follow a similar decline with time on task. The P300 event related potential has been associated with the allocation of attentional resources. Its amplitude reflects the brain's response to the evaluation of stimulus significance and is largest when encountering rare, salient stimuli, making it a valuable tool in assessing attentional engagement. 

This present study integrated behavioral, psychophysiological, and neuro-electrical measurements to investigate gender-based differences in attention. 22 ASU students (16 M, 6 F) completed an auditory oddball task, wherein their behavioral performance, brainwaves, and pupil dynamics were recorded. RT, accuracy, prestimulus pupil size, stimulus-evoked pupil response (SEPR), and the P3 event-related potential were extracted and compared. 

We report gender-based differences in response time, pupil dynamics, and neural responses as well as time-on-task effects. This integrative approach is valuable as it provides a more comprehensive view of gender differences, and it helps shed light on how attention may be allocated differently across genders during tasks requiring sustained attention. We conclude that there is value in considering gender as a relevant predictor of attention. Future studies may delve into why such differences may present in this cognitive domain.

Presenters: Sana Basheer, Brittany Higgs, Laura Reichert, Zhaocheng Wu and Katerina Christhilf

Reading from multiple sources is a common yet cognitively complex academic task (Sabatini et al., 2019) that most high school students in the United States struggle to do so proficiently (NAEP, 2022). In the present study we sought to better understand the cognitive process involved in participants’ integration of information when reading multiple sources about a scientific topic. To accomplish this goal, we applied a secondary analysis of a dataset that included undergraduate students (n = 73) multiple document comprehension measures, individual differences (i.e., prior reading ability and prior knowledge), and their performance on written constructed responses while reading.

Presenters: Mason Farmwald, Malli Swamy, Mariah Lee, Juvelyn Hart, Ilsa Rodriguez, Teagan Allen and Alexander Mangelsdorf

Although there is a known sex bias in cancer, sex chromosomes are typically excluded from genomic analyses because of unique analytical challenges associated with their sequence and regulation. Sex chromosome genes include tumor suppressors, epigenetic regulators, immune genes, and more which can impact cancer progression and drug response. A common resource used in cancer research is the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE), which contains 1019 human cancer cell lines across a multitude of tissues often used as model systems for studying the biology and treatment of cancer. In this study, we inferred the sex chromosome complement using the expression of genes on the X and Y chromosomes across these cell lines. We expected the expression of X and Y chromosome genes to match the expected sex chromosome complement given the reported sex of the patient (e.g., typically XX genotype in cell lines from female patients and XY for male patients). Instead, we found discordance between the reported sex of the patient and the inferred sex chromosome complement in approximately half of the samples. In future studies, we plan to repeat our analysis with gene expression profiles from primary tumor samples (TCGA) and normal adult tissues (GTex). Determining and comparing the sex chromosome complement in each of these settings is important for assessing how well cell line models recapitulate primary tumors and may reveal molecular underpinnings of sex differences in cancer.

Presenters: James Ball, Scott Montague and Kartavya Chauhan

This study presents an in-depth analysis of sky surface brightness (Sky-SB) as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The sky-SB is the diffuse light present in all astronomical images that does not include discrete stars and galaxies. It is a combination of light from zodiacal dust (dust within our Solar System), the Milky Way, and distant, unresolved galaxies. Therefore, by measuring and studying the sky-SB, we can learn more about our Solar System, the Milky Way, and the universe as a whole. We leverage a comprehensive dataset of 140,000 Hubble images that spans a broad spectrum of ultraviolet to near-infrared wavelengths. We also utilized a Python-based data processing pipeline, which facilitated the quantification of the sky-SB with high accuracy for all 140,000 images. The pipeline ignores discrete light sources during the estimation of the sky-SB, ensuring that the measured sky-SB does not contain contamination from stars and galaxies. Significant findings include changes in the sky-SB across different wavelengths, with notable impacts from zodiacal light at lower ecliptic latitudes. This work helps establish the Hubble Space Telescope as a prime instrument for measuring the sky-SB.

Presenters: Walker Mellon, Bryan Yavari, Amber Serna, Mihir Waknis and Juvelyn Hart

Current AI technology is capable of quickly providing information, but often provides information that is not related, too broad, or out of scope.This project involves developing an LLM chat bot that is equipped to provide accurate information regarding rare skin cancers. Rather than suggesting a diagnosis, the chat bot will provide the necessary information needed for the physician to make an informed decision after diagnosis. The target audience is primarily physicians in a clinical setting, however a tool like this could potentially be of use for educational or research purposes as well. Our team currently has a working prototype of the AI model that uses Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to obtain scientific information from published, peer-reviewed papers. Leveraging this technology will empower dermatologists and researchers to make evidence-based decisions through the minimization of bias by making the retrieval of information for underrepresented groups easier and more efficient.

Presenter: Harrison Lo

The reputation of Arizona as a territory was regarded as hostile and untamed by White Americans at the turn of the 20th century, with reports of Native American attacks and inhospitable environment being the two most pressing concerns. However, over time, the reputation of the territory lessened, and Arizona was eventually admitted into the Union as the 48th State. The research question posed is how did Arizona as a territory shed its reputation in the process of becoming a state? This project was examining Tempe’s Arizona Historical Society archives, mainly drawing from George Hochderffer Collection and the Tussey Ranger Collection to examine the roles that the Arizona National Guard and the Arizona Rangers had in enforcing justice and White Arizonan settler interests. Hochderffer was an esteemed Flagstaff citizen, and founded the first National Guard Company in Flagstaff called I Company, and examined his correspondence, National Guard logs, and photos of the National Guard to illuminate on how a National Guard Company functioned at the time. Other research used was the collection titled Tussey Ranger Collection, which was a collection of manuscripts collected by Edgar Tussey, a school teacher who kept records of the Arizona Rangers, and Joseph Miller’s Arizona Rangers, a second hand source of Arizona Ranger accounts. Comparing their actions in Arizona around the formation of these units help illustrate what White Arizonans had a vested interest in protecting and enforcing. While the correspondence of I Company emphasized a social club for white Arizonans with military activities and balls, I Company notably participated in the strikebreaking along with the Arizona Rangers in Clifton-Morenci in 1903, against striking Hispanic and Chinese workers. Ultimately the state sponsored military actions of these organizations at the time helped defend and promote a settler culture of White Arizonan Business interests. Future examinations of other National Guard Companies at the time might help shed light on their actions as well.

Apply to present your research.

Online undergraduate students who wish to present their research at the symposium must submit an application including a project abstract. 

Note: You must be logged in with your ASU email to access the submission form. 

Submission does not guarantee acceptance. Students will be notified of the reviewing committee's decision via email.

Application deadline: Monday, April 15, 2024.

Apply now.

The purpose of an abstract is to provide a brief summary and key findings of your research, and it is typically 150-350 words in length.  

The abstract should include/address the following points:


  • Title of your work - Make it interesting but also concise!
  • List all of the research group members’ names with institutional affiliations.
  • List all of your research mentors’ names with titles and institutional affiliations.


  • Introduction:
    • Lead with the overall research question/goal. 
    • Provide a brief background that supports why your research question is a good one to ask/solve.
  • Methods:
    • Briefly describe your project. What did you do? What methods did you use to answer your question? What is the overall experimental design?
  • Results:
    • Provide a summary of your key findings/results and how you analyzed the data.
  • Conclusion:
    • State the key findings and the implications.
    • Future work and directions.

Past symposium research projects


Presenter: Marissa Martinez

John Steinbeck’s depiction of women in his works have enabled readers to understand the hardships women must endure in order to fully support their communities. The Grapes of Wrath and A Russian Journal give insight as to how a woman can be a supportive pillar to her family and place of residence. The characters of Ma Joad and Rosasharn are two such examples of the lengths the women of the Dust Bowl would go to so that they may maintain the idea of hope. These two characters put others before themselves and continuously act as supports to those around them. In the intercalary chapters, the women of the novel do the same. They reflect upon what must be done to assist their husbands and families in this time of need. These women are not the main characters of The Grapes of Wrath but instead serve as foundational ideologies of women that show what is expected to continue on as a family or community.

In A Russian Journal the women are used as an indicator for how the cities and towns he visited are rebuilding after World War II. Their appearances are reflective of what state their communities are in. If the women appeared to emphasize their beauty and hospitality, the locations they live in also seemed to be on the path of revival. If the women were not as concerned with their appearances or residences, then the town looked as if it had great lengths to go in order to be restored. These two pieces of literature, enforce the idea that women are pivotal in the perseverance of their communities and how it is within their duties to become or maintain a domestic air as their appearances embody their surroundings. Steinbeck enables readers to understand the situations in which he and his characters are in by having the women of the works, show what is happening around them.

Presenter: Tyson Jones

Political division and extremism are two of the largest threats to the unity and political structure and United States on the horizon. Finding ways to unite and solve the problems we face is of great importance. Many Americans have grown disillusioned with the current political system, and those who remain are more polarized than ever before.

As part of the Arizona Youth Identity Project, an online survey was distributed to adult residents ages 18-30 of Arizona (N = 1,522) in the months leading up the 2020 presidential election. One module included in the survey asked young adults whether certain traits or characteristics (e.g., works hard, is trustworthy, is patriotic, has integrity, keeps their promises) applies to the Democratic ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the Republican ticket of Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Based on these responses, each respondent was given a score based on which candidates they associated with more positive traits. For each trait selected for a Republican candidate, a score of +1 was given, and for each Democratic candidate a score of -1 was given. Their scores were summated across all questions to form a severity index.

The responses showed a significant association between level of political interest and severity in views towards the opposing party’s candidates. This trend carried across respondents of both the Democratic and Republican parties. Among independents, polarization similarly increased with level of political interest. Respondent’s age, gender, and race were not associated with the severity of views.

In a time where political inactivity and polarization are both increasing, it is important understand how they are connected. The data shows that those with the most extreme views are the most politically active, while moderates are much less interested in politics. Further research and progress need to be made in understanding how to increase the moderate voting base and in which direction the political interest and extremism causality flows.

Presenter: Margaret Barstow

Anxiety and depression (A&D) are among the most common mental health concerns for undergraduates, and students perceive benefitting from knowing an instructor with A&D. However, college science instructors are unlikely to disclose their A&D to their undergraduates, likely because they are concealable stigmatized identities: identities that can be kept hidden and carry negative stereotypes. However, it is currently unknown how prevalent A&D are among instructors and whether or why they reveal A&D to undergraduates. Therefore, we explored the extent to which instructors report having A&D, conceal or reveal A&D to undergraduates, perceive student benefits by revealing A&D, and perceive A&D to be stigmatized as well as the primary factors influencing instructors to conceal their A&D. We surveyed instructors at R1 institutions about the extent to which they had and/or revealed A&D and their perceived stigma and benefits of revealing A&D. Of those surveyed (n=1951), 25% reported having depression and 34% having anxiety. Very few participants revealed their depression (5%) or anxiety (8%) to students. Instructors primarily conceal their A&D because they do not typically disclose to others, or it is not relevant to course content. Instructors anticipate students would benefit from disclosure by normalizing mental health, and being an example of success despite A&D. Understanding whether and why instructors choose to conceal A&D is a critical first step to bringing potentially powerful science role models to undergraduates also struggling with their mental health.

Presenters: Erica Williams, Alexandra Perazzo, Maia Zdrale, Keith Karuku

In studies involving cancer patients, a common theme is patients reporting feelings of anxiety, confusion, and fear following their initial diagnosis. They are often overwhelmed with their treatment options and wondering what they can expect throughout their battle with cancer. Educational materials, however, are often not written at a literacy level that is inclusive of most patients. Research shows that 54% of US adults read at or below a sixth grade reading level, multiple grade levels lower than the much of the available cancer literature. To address this issue, a team of undergraduate researchers with the Arizona Cancer Evolution Center at ASU have created The Patient Guidance Project to educate recently diagnosed cancer patients about their specific type of cancer, their treatment options, and the resources available to support them. The goal of this project is to deliver this information to patients in a way that is easy to understand, with the hope of helping them feel more informed and in control of what lies ahead. The predominant form of research currently being conducted for this project is a comprehensive literature review, which the research team uses to inform the development of patient guides for the following cancer types: metastatic melanoma, glioblastoma, prostate cancer, oral cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, colorectal cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia, ovarian cancer, and thyroid cancer. The guides are published on a website (acepatientguidance.com) designed for this project and will be expanded to more types of cancer in the near future.

Presenters and details not listed publicly. 

Academic breaks have pronounced effects on student learning, resulting in students losing some of their previously acquired knowledge and skills. The Keep in School Shape (KiSS) Program is designed to address this issue. It provides students going into Calculus 2 with daily Calculus 1 review activities over the academic break.

These daily activities, distributed via email and text messages, enable students to answer problems with varying levels of difficulty as well as provide students with optional hints and step-by-step solutions and encourage students with growth mindset oriented feedback. The KiSS program records the paths that students take as they complete the daily activities and documents the students' confidence ratings, answer accuracy, and use of hints and solutions.

Using data collected over the 2022 Winter Break, our group conducted basic exploratory data analysis with the aim of discovering insights into how students used the program, how the program can be improved in future versions, and how best to communicate our findings to an audience. Our group used descriptive statistics, data manipulation, and data visualization techniques in Excel, Tableau, and R to examine metrics such as participation rates, answer accuracy, hint and solution engagement, confidence rating accuracy, and student feedback.

Our findings include that students are fairly accurate judges of their ability to correctly answer a problem, use hints after getting a problem wrong, and push themselves to try more challenging problems. Our results are useful for improving future versions of the KiSS program. More broadly, our results can be used to shape the design of review programs to engage students in accessible, productive, and supportive activities outside of class and diffuse the event boundaries between formal instruction and academic breaks across many grade levels and subject areas so that students will no longer need to return to their studies unprepared and disadvantaged.

Presenters: Lindsay Gann, Nilo Kolbehdari, Bryan Yavari, Melanie Aldridge, Mercedes Portillo, Danielle Kollander

Previous literature has highlighted the need for improvements in cancer-related communication across the entire cancer experience, from pre-diagnosis through diagnosis/treatment and remission. More investigation is needed on how individuals respond to various forms of cancer communication and how this may vary across the cancer timeline. To address this gap, this cross-sectional, quantitative study will examine those 3 phases of cancer communication. Data will be collected via Prolific from a nationally representative sample of 450 participants (150 per condition) who will be prescreened to include participants from the general public, participants who have had cancer in the last five years, and participants who are in remission from cancer. Three unique surveys have been administered to each population with results currently being analyzed. The results of this study will improve cancer communication to the public, raising awareness of potential risks and early indicators. Moreover, this study will strengthen doctor-patient communication, encouraging treatment plans built on trust and understanding. This study can also give a voice to those in remission, and address their unique needs after their cancer experience. Fundamentally, this study can improve the patient experience through better understanding of risk, terminology, and support options. 

Presenters: Elizabeth Catogni, Kinley Subers

Discovering, cataloging, and updating the orbital parameters of exoplanets (planets outside of our own Solar System, orbiting stars other than our Sun) is a major goal of astronomers. Currently, the majority of exoplanets are discovered using the method of transit photometry, through which fluctuations in the observed brightness of a star are indicative of a planet passing in front of it – from our vantage point on Earth. This method can lend to the understanding of numerous orbital properties of the exoplanet itself, such as transit mid-time and orbital period. Over time, though, the uncertainty of these properties leads the ephemerides to become “stale” – meaning the transit may begin to occur earlier or later than expected. 

In order to maintain the accuracy of these orbital properties for efficient follow-up observations by space-based telescopes such as JWST and the future ARIEL mission, which will receive numerous observation proposals each year, it is necessary to periodically observe the transit and update the ephemeris. For large exoplanets orbiting close to their stars, otherwise known as hot Jupiters, these observations can be done using small, ground-based robotic telescope. The subsequent production of light curves depicting the exoplanet’s transit can be reduced using EXOplanet Watch’s EXOTIC code, which performs a process called multi-object transit photometry. The resulting orbital parameters are evaluated for significance by dividing the transit depth by the uncertainty for a resulting sigma, and only those greater than 3 will be used for our ephemeris update.

Our class has acquired 47 image sets for the transit of exoplanet HAT-P-54 b from the MicroObservatory’s “Cecilia”, a 6-inch robotic telescope located in Mount Hopkins, Arizona. Additionally, we have reduced those image sets using EXOplanet Watch’s EXOTIC code, resulting in 47 unique light curves. By the end of April 2023, we will have together produced a draft containing updated orbital parameters of HAT-P-54 b’s transit for submission to the Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (JAAVSO).

Presenters: Suber Corley, Federico R. Noguer


During the Spring 2023 semester, we are participating in a joint project with NASA/JPL’s ExoPlanet Watch team to develop improved ephemerides for astronomical objects that are likely to be of interest to professional astronomers. These ephemerides are especially important for those who have observation time on space-based observatories such as JWST.


After developing an inventory of stellar targets, we chose to focus on the reduction of the mid-transit and eclipse time uncertainties of HAT-P-11 b. HAT-P-11 b is a Hot Neptune with a high eccentricity. In the process of the ephemeris update, we are conducting a Transit Timing Variation (TTV) analysis of HAT-P-11 b in search of a periodic signal caused by a possible exomoon. HAT-P-11 b presents a unique opportunity to discover an exomoon due to the high inclination of HAT-P-11 c, a Jupiter-sized companion planet. Models show that if the inclination of the Jupiter mass planet is 25 degrees or higher, the asteroid belt becomes unstable and large amounts of material could be sent towards the host star giving HAT-P-11 b a chance to capture one of these objects as a moon.


In collaboration with the Exoplanet Watch team, we are modifying Python code called Pandora to model physically possible planet-moon systems for HAT-P-11b. Regardless of whether or not we detect an exomoon signal, we plan to build code such that an analogous process can be applied to other hot Jupiters that contain an outer companion with inclinations >25 degrees.

Presenters: Kimberly Merriam, Richard Cochran-White

Using the EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code (EXOTIC), we reduced 52 sets of images of WASP-104 b, a Hot Jupiter-class exoplanet orbiting WASP-104, in order to obtain an updated mid-transit time (ephemeris) and orbital period for the planet. We performed this reduction on images taken with a 6- inch telescope of the Center for Astrophysics | Havard & Smithsonian MicroObservatory. Of the reduced light curves, 13 were of sufficient accuracy to update the ephemerides for WASP 104-b, meeting or exceeding the three-sigma standard for determining a significant detection. Our updated mid-transit time and orbital period (2457805.170208 ± 0.000036 BJD_TBD, 1.75540644 ± 0.00000016 days) rival those generated by data taken from TESS observations of the same target (2457805.170205±0.000037 BJD_TBD, 1.75540569±0.00000011 days). We can show that through the use of small ground-based platforms citizen scientists have the ability to update orbital parameters of high priority targets for future follow up observations with platforms like ARIEL and JWST, this allows for longer on target observations in consideration of platform observing time constraints. The work done in the paper was accomplished as part of the first fully online Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) for astronomy majors in one of the only online Bachelor of Science programs in Astronomical and Planetary Sciences.

Presenter: Thomas Skrmetti

In the 2022-2023 OURS experience on Laboratory Astrophysics we were tasked with learning how to find presolar grains in carbonaceous chondrites. Presolar grains are formed in stellar outflows and circumstellar envelope around low and high mass stars. By analyzing these presolar grains we can learn the makeup of the presolar environment. To analyze these presolar grains we first need to identify target meteorites and areas of interest. Regions of interest are those lacking in large particles and chondrules focusing instead on the matrix between particles. The meteorite cannot have undergone excessive heating and/or aqueous alteration, as both of these will destroy or alter the presolar grains making them indistinguishable from terrestrial grains. Once a suitable sample has been chosen they can be acquired from Johnson Space Center or Buseck Center for Meteorite Studies for analysis. The samples can be mounted either by thin sections glued on with small amounts of epoxy onto a glass slide or thick sections pressed into epoxy. This mount is then placed under an optical microscope to identify target regions of interest which are imaged using the electron microprobe to get elemental concentrations of regions of interest. Suitable matrix areas are measured with the NanoSIMS. The sputtering is done with either a cesium ion beam or a duoplasmatron which produces  oxygen ions. We used the cesium beam to measure C and O isotopes to identify C- and O- anomalous grains. The cesium ion beam sputters off sample atoms from the top layers of the  sample.The ion images are used to produce ratio images. Any isotopic anomaly is observed in the images as a hotspot or coldspot and have isotopic ratios orders of magnitude different from terrestrial or solar C and O isotope ratios. Future goals of this research are to identify more presolar grains.

Presenters: Emily Espanet, Davie Owle, Pranita Ramteke

Dopaminergic signaling is proposed to be critical for gating items into working memory and for maintaining representational content over delays in the presence of distracting information. However, the role of dopamine in working memory has yet to be fully understood due to measurement limitations in humans. The use of fast-scan cyclic voltammetry augmented with machine learning enables researchers to track neuromodulator release in awake humans with sub-second temporal resolution. Specifically, using this technique affords researchers the capability to record dopamine responses at 10hz thereby providing a more precise characterization of phasic and tonic dopamine release in cortical areas that have been associated with working memory gating and maintenance functions. In the present study, we recorded dopamine release in the lateral anterior cingulate cortex of medication-resistant epilepsy patients during the performance of a visual working memory task. Here we report the relation between phasic and tonic dopamine release in the anterior cingulate cortex during encoding and delay periods of the task as a function of set size (2 or 4 items) and conditionalized on correct and incorrect responses. The goal of this ongoing project is to collect and model direct dopamine recordings during delay periods of canonical working memory tasks to better characterize the role of phasic and tonic dopamine release in working memory.

Presenter: Dallas Salas

We aimed to provide evidence that prospective memory retrieval is achieved by both consciously monitoring for relevant targets and through less cognitively demanding spontaneous retrieval. An important facet of daily memory function is prospective memory, which is one’s ability to complete preestablished intentions in the appropriate temporal and spatial context in the future. An individual's ability to complete these intentions in the appropriate context has implications on a range of behavioral outcomes such as personal well-being or one’s professional or academic success. In the present study, participants completed a computerized two-forced choice lexical decision task and were then given secondary instructions to respond to a specific set of low frequency letter strings (prospective memory target) with a special keypress. By experimentally manipulating prospective memory target focality (the amount of effort required to detect the prospective memory target) we are able to quantify and examine prospective memory accuracy, response time for prospective memory targets, and task interference in order to investigate the processes that contribute to successfully retrieving an intention at the appropriate moment. Accuracy was measured as the average number of prospective memory targets successfully retrieved and indicated, response time to prospective memory targets was measured by the average of time it took to respond to prospective memory targets, and task interference was the ongoing response time on the lexical decision task before given an intention minus the response time of the lexical decision after they are given an intention. We found statistically significant differences in focality for prospective memory accuracy and prospective memory target response time. A difference was also observed in task interference as a function of target focality but the effect was not statistically significant. Evidence from the study provides support for the Multi-Process View of prospective memory and provides a baseline for future studies looking at demographic groups that may show differences in prospective memory performance such as older versus younger adults or people that use cannabis versus those who do not.

Presenters: Barbara Temple, Peter Culley, Josiah Kaiser, Robert Stansbury

The COVID-19 global pandemic has been ongoing for over two years. In late 2020, a vaccine plan was put into effect to help address this crisis. At this point, over 4 billion people worldwide have been vaccinated, more than 220 million of whom are in the United States. Vaccines have no doubt done a lot of good over the past year and half, but there are also downsides to it, specifically vaccine induced complications. With the more transmissible but less deadly Omicron variant becoming the predominant variant of COVID-19 in the United States, we compared the pros and cons of vaccination against the Omicron variant mainly by determining the net number of lives saved due to the vaccine, the net economic impact, and the net change in herd immunity levels. We used a model to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated systems for each of the fifty states and Washington, D.C. individually to aid in determining what sort of overall impact the vaccine has had and will have if we continue on our present course of action. We utilized MATLAB for data fitting all fifty states and D.C. as well as running calculations based off of those data fittings. Our study found that the vaccine has the greatest benefit when used early on in a new wave of the disease, as the benefit diminishes with time (and more widespread cases). Furthermore, we found that not one of the states has actually achieved herd immunity and that the percentage of a state’s population that is fully vaccinated did not have a significant impact on the size of its predicted COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, this study is a powerful reminder that vaccination should be used in harmony with other control strategies rather than using it as our sole line of defense.

Presenters: Walker Mellon, Leon Harrison, Brian Martins, Ritika Anand, Hannah Human, Jasa Moss, Matthew Marx

Studying cancer from an evolutionary perspective can lead to important theoretical and applied insights, however little is known about the prevalence of cancer among non-human primates. Primates are the closest living relatives to humans, however the Primate lineage is phenotypically diverse, with wide variations in evolutionary and life history characteristics. By leveraging comparative phenotypic data with incidence records of neoplastic disease, we have constructed a dataset of 2,095 individuals across 9 families, and explore cross-species cancer risk within Primates. We suggest a life history theory framework to help elucidate the variations in observed cancer prevalence across non-human primates, wherein long-lived, large-bodied animals invest more energy in somatic maintenance (i.e. cancer defenses) to maintain their cellular body. Additionally, functional studies performed in vitro using isolated and cultured primary fibroblast cell lines from representative species show that resistance to cellular death is correlated with certain life history characteristics. Combining large-scale cancer incidence records and functional assays can provide useful insights into the ecological and cellular dynamics of cancer in our closest living relatives and ourselves.

Presenters: Priscilla Hanson, Britt Kitchens, Francisco Miranda

Research experience in ecology or animal behavior usually involves fieldwork and lab work, which thus limits the involvement of online students in data analyses or modeling. It is with this in mind that we develop the OTTER program, a program that offers an immersive research experience in behavioral ecology to online students. Through this program, online students joined our turkey team investigating the role of turkey head color change in turkey communication. As surprising as it seems, the main course of Thanksgiving, the wild turkey, can change his head color (i.e. bare skin and fleshy ornaments) between white, cyan blue, and red in less than a minute. And even more surprising and despite the economic value of turkeys, no studies on their head color change have been done since 1951 (Laruelle et al.)!!  The on-ground team and the OTTER team are working hand in hand. While the on-ground team is taking care of the turkeys, running the behavioral experiments, and collecting blood samples and smears with Dr. Dollion, the online team is actively participating in the project by performing behavioral analyses from the videos gathered on-ground and identifying and quantifying leukocytes from x100 magnification microscopic pictures from the blood smears. Recently, the online experience is going further thanks to live streaming cameras installed in the enclosure of the turkey that online students can use to monitor the turkey they are working with and also assess the hierarchy within the turkey flocks. Through this experience, online students gain knowledge about animal behavior, physiology (i.e. immune cells), and the research that will be presented here in this poster along with their contributions and achievements, and finally their testimonies about the experience.

Presenters: Kristen Krip, Naomi Ortiz

Diet is a driving factor for changes in the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiome. In a healthy gut, approximately 90% of the population are Bacteriodetes and Firmicutes. These bacteria exist in symbiosis with their host and aid in various functions such as development, metabolism, and immune regulation. Certain bacteria can trigger inflammation, directly or indirectly, and promote cancer within the body. These microbes can be referred to as the “oncobiome”. We conducted a review to determine the  interactions between diet and microbes on cancer across different species. Cancer- protecting microbes actively prevent the proliferation of cancer by promoting cooperation  between cells. Many of these, like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, can be found in fermented foods such as yogurt or kombucha. Conversely, cancer-promoting bacteria, like Bacteroides fragilis and Fusobacterium nucleatum, are associated with a meat-eating diet. In the literature we see the microbe differences between herbivores and carnivores and found that some distinct features may predispose carnivores to cancer. Herbivores have a lower cancer rate, likely due to a higher fiber intake and greater microbial diversity. Developing a better understanding of the role diet has on the microbiome may lead to dietary interventions as an effective strategy for reducing cancer incidence. 

Presenter: Enyce Fairbanks

Colorectal cancer is the second deadliest cancer. By the time the cancer is detected it has already metastasized and progressed, reducing cancer treatment effectiveness. Our group is developing a mice-model experiment using adaptive therapy to provide a potential treatment source to improve patient treatment. Adaptive therapy is an innovative treatment harnessing the evolutionary dynamics of cancer cells to control and reduce tumor size. The goal is to limit the growth of the tumor and prevent the development of therapeutic resistance. Adaptive therapy offers an effective tool for managing tumor growth and metastasis, especially in advanced stages of cancer. In the present study, the probiotic, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, is being added to the adaptive therapy to aid in inhibiting tumor development. Experiments are being conducted using the cell line, CT26 mouse colon cancer cells in vitro and injecting them into the immunocompetent BALB/c mice. Folfox, a common colorectal cancer chemotherapy, will be dosed dependent on the tumor size as opposed to utilizing maximum dosage to prevent therapeutic resistance. The results of these experiments will yield the effectiveness of adaptive therapy on colorectal cancer as well as the effect of Lactobacillus Acidophilus on Folfox treatment and ability to manage tumor development.

Presenter: Mariana Bustamante

Stabilized productivity levels in social insect species are essential in maintaining a colony's preservation. In large social insect species such as the honeybees, Apis mellifera, temporal polytheism can be observed where different sets of tasks are conducted by specific age groups in the colony. This method of division of labor allows the colony to continue to sustain life within the hive for current and future generations of honeybees. One of the essential tasks is to maintain a healthy environment inside the hive. This includes one type of hygiene behavior whereby the dead and diseased bees are removed from the hive. Small groups of specialized bees known as Undertakers are genetically and epigenetically programmed to perform this task. These specialized labor groups contribute to the preservation of the colony, becoming necessary to maintain their productivity in the hive. Hygiene activity in the hive secures the colonies' health, preventing diseases from spreading. The performance level of undertakers is therefore a criterion for assessing the colony’s health status. To observe the work efficiency in undertakers, the duration of time it takes to remove a dead or diseased bee will be recorded. While comparing the temperature variation during seasonal changes to observe the effects these external conditions have on the task performance in Undertakers.

Presenters: Sierra Jones, Gabrielle Feldman

There is tremendous variation in cancer vulnerabilities across species. In humans, sex is an important variable to consider when understanding differences in cancer risk. However, little is understood about the role sex differences play in driving variation in cancer risk within non-human species. From an evolutionary standpoint, there is evidence pointing towards the potential for the divergence of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) to explain important differences in sex-specific cancer risk. Further, biological differences between males and females could drive important differences in sex-specific factors within oncogenesis, especially in hormone-driven cancers. In this study, we investigate sex as a biological variable in cross-species cancer risk. We studied 150 species across 4 taxonomic classes – mammals, amphibians, birds, and reptiles – utilizing cancer prevalence data from a zoo veterinarian pathology database spanning more than two decades. We found statistically significant sex biases in both neoplasia and malignancy prevalence for the species analyzed. Future studies will assess sex specific cancer types across species.

Presenters: Kiara Tirado, Kevin Sinwelski, Ashruth Suryanarayanan

In the present study, we tested whether stimulating the trigeminal nerve impacts behavioral, self-report, and psycho-physiological indices of locus coeruleus (LC) activity. In recent years, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been popularized as a noninvasive method for enhancing attention performance. One mechanism by which tDCS has been proposed to improve attention is by transcutaneous stimulation of cranial nerves thereby activating the brainstem LC. Specifically, placement of the electrodes over the frontal bone and mastoid is thought to facilitate current flow across the face as a path of least resistance. The face is innervated by the trigeminal nerve, having disynaptic connections to the LC. Using a between subjects design, we assessed the impact of tDCS to the trigeminal nerve on mean response time, response time variability, self-reports of task-unrelated thoughts, mean pretrial pupil diameter, pretrial pupil variability, and task-evoked pupil responses during the completion of the psychomotor vigilance task (PVT). We also evaluated reports of attention, arousal, motivation, confidence, and perceived tDCS effects for each condition. We report that sensation of tDCS (indicating stimulation of the trigeminal nerve), self-perceived effects of tDCS on performance, attention, arousal, motivation, and confidence did not significantly influence performance, self-reported attention state, or pupil dynamics across the PVT. Further, tDCS did not have an enhancing effect on pupil dynamics (pretrial or task-evoked), self-reported attention state, nor task performance in active versus sham stimulation conditions. However, we replicated prior research showing deterioration in task performance, increases in the rate of task-unrelated thoughts, and reduced pupil responses due to time on task irrespective of tDCS condition. The findings reported here are consistent with theories about performance and arousal centered on a link between LC activity, task performance, self-reports of attention state, and pupil diameter but fail to support hypotheses suggesting that tDCS of the trigeminal nerve influences indices of LC function.

Presenter: Cade Duckworth

Analysis of conformational flexibility is essential in identifying differences in solute-solvent and electrostatic interactions of small molecules. Our python package, MDPOW, coordinates the simulations necessary for computing water-solvent partition coefficients for small, drug-like molecules from solvation free energies using GROMACS, MDAnalysis, and alchemlyb. However, subsequent analysis requires user selection of each atom group, which poses a problem when sampling the entire conformational space, so there exists a need to automate the process of obtaining relevant atom groups and their dihedral angles. Our extension of MDPOW automatically obtains dihedral atom groups from each molecule’s simulation ensemble and the kernel density estimation (KDE) of their dihedral angle frequencies, comparing across solvents and intermolecular interactions. Current research involves datasets from participation in the Statistical Assessment and Modeling of Proteins and Ligands (SAMPL7) blind physical properties challenge, including simulation data that returned log Pow estimates within a minimum precision level of 0.1 log units for AMBER/GAFF force fields, and we are utilizing the developments in the SAMPL9 challenge. These developments provide an automated workflow for analyzing sampling of conformational space of small molecules, including data collection, analysis, visual representation, and storing results in a tidy fashion. Ongoing adaptation for additional observables (bond length, hydrogen bonding, and solvation shell analysis) will streamline quality assessment of results, contribute to complete automation of physical properties analysis for small molecules, and enable the analysis of large data sets with hundreds of simulations. Future incorporation of machine learning into the automated analyses to classify features associated with insufficient sampling will facilitate generation of better force fields and simulation parameters for use with free energy molecular dynamics simulations. The core goal of these ongoing projects is to increase the accuracy of partition coefficient computations in MDPOW and identify ways to adapt and improve the theoretical underpinnings of molecular dynamics free energy simulations in a transposable manner.

Presenter: Joelle Delew, Cade Duckworth

RNA sequencing is commonly used to study gene expression. To increase the accuracy of mapping the sequencing reads to the reference genome, a process known as trimming is frequently used to remove low quality segments of the reads. Data preprocessing steps take computational resources and can influence which genes are identified as differentially expressed and thus impact the results of a study. Current literature on the necessity of trimming hosts conflicting views, so we tested the impact of trimming by varying two commonly reported trimming parameters, minimum quality score and minimum read length after trimming, on a previously published differential expression profile, sex differences in placental gene expression. We observed a consistent 2% reduction in read counts across the range of trimming parameters tested and no change in the amount of sex differentially expressed genes compared to the untrimmed case. This indicates that trimming did not affect the identification of differentially expressed genes, suggesting that this data preprocessing step might not be necessary. Current work involves expanding the set of parameters tested as well as the software packages used, in order to test the robustness of our results. It is encouraging for research simplicity, reliability, and reproducibility, that differential gene expression did not vary across the range of trimming parameters in this study.

Presenters: Sergio Mendoza Sida, Luke Foster, Eden Kim, Dustin Nguyen

Broadly speaking, medical care can be divided into three general phases. The acute care phase where the focus of treatment is on curing a patient’s condition. At times, acute care can be aggressive. At the other end of the spectrum, there is hospice care. Patients under hospice care have terminal medical conditions with an expected 6-month life span. Here, the focus is solely on patient comfort. Treatment under hospice often involves the liberal use of pain medications and withdrawal of any treatments not directly related to comfort. In between these two extremes, we have palliative care. Here the intent is not to cure but to improve quality of life.  Recent research suggests that there are advantages of palliative care for terminally ill patients and specifically cancer patients 1 . However, barriers to the proliferation of palliative care include a lack of awareness, cultural biases, and misinformation regarding palliative care 2 .  In our study, we aim to quantitatively demonstrate an improved quality of life (QOL) for cancer patients under palliative care when compared with cancer patients undergoing acute or traditional care.   


Our dataset consists of the AllOfUs Database created by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Our focus is on survey data describing quality of life factors and the use of lab  markers as a proxy for health status (ex. nutritional status, levels of anemia, etc).  


Our results are still preliminary and pending further exploration of the allOfUs database   Conclusion: After completion of our primary research, the intended next steps for our project include distilling our findings into a numerical index or score that can be applied to prospective palliative care cancer patients to predict the relative effectiveness of palliative care when compared to traditional treatment. This would aid clinicians in better tailoring medical care to maximize the beneficial outcomes for patients.